Thank You, Donors! $4937.06 Raised!
The following email was sent out today to all those who donated to help evacuees of the Salt and South Fork Ruidoso fires. Your donations...
Thank You, Donors! $4937.06 Raised!
New PSI Director, Nick Dubree
Food Drive a Success!
Volunteers Needed (Cooling Center)
We Are Hiring!
Holcomb Accepts New Position
Need for Housing Linked to Fires
Winter Pantry Drive
Staff & Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Winter Windup: Fundraiser
New Donation Platform
R.I.S.E. and Puerto Seguro: Job Training
Partnership with Bombas Socks
Thanks to the Catholic Foundation
Volunteer Spotlight: Jane Sposito
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Autumn 2021 - Changes
1st Annual Memorial Day Celebration
Puerto Seguro Expands Services as Clientele Increases
Thank You, Volunteers!