Thanks to your generous donations, the month of December 2019 was a terrific month for Puerto Seguro! We received 1,635 pounds of in-kind donations (like clothes, hygiene items, and food), raised money through our annual Salvation Army bell-ringing campaign, hosted 230 clients seeking shelter from the cold, distributed 94 food boxes, and served meals to 723 clients. Our total hours of operation for December 2019 was 212 — a new record!
More highlights:
Washington Mutual Bank donated 275 lbs of new items through their Food and Hygiene drive.
We distributed Christmas stockings to clients on Christmas day.
We assisted a local family in crisis and gave them emergency food boxes, toys, and hygiene supplies.
A local hairstylist, Shawna Savedra, gave 36 haircuts.
We placed most of our client records on our computer database.
Our surveillance system continued to keep Puerto Seguro a haven for clients.
We purged the boutique of all outdated and ragged clothing.
The staff and volunteers of Puerto Seguro Safe Harbor, Inc. thank you!